

Version 2021.87

What's new

  • We added CAGR and Value Jump for Area and Line charts
  • We've made a fundamental change to how text alignment works when text overflows its container (its cell, its shape etc.). Previously, text would flow right regardless of alignment. Now, the text alignment is respected, even if the text overflows.

Other new features

  • We made some minor updates to chart defaults
  • We removed native format tools from the Grunt tab - if you'd like it back you can turn it back on under Settings

Bug fixes

  • We fixed a bug where chart labels would sometimes show up on the wrong bar if you had empty series
  • Axis breaks would sometimes not work on stacked charts - this is now fixed
  • We fixed an alignment issue for labels in exploded pie and donut charts
  • We fixed some strange clipping behavior for waterfall charts in Visual Grids